Tuesday, September 4, 2012

We are all one

People are all united. We are all one.

The more we divide ourselves and judge our neighbors, the more we hurt ourselves. The urge to win and be the best is a survivalist mentality. We live in a time where there is enough technology, communication and resources to feed, clothe and shelter every human being - though many go without.  We allow our fellow brothers and sisters to live impoverished because we fail to recognize that we are one. Our inability to recognize this fact and to act upon it when we do, proves we are in our infancy.

The reason life is so complicated is because we allow it to be that way. We ignore our innermost knowledge and embrace the ignorance around us.  We strive to be the best, smartest, fastest, wealthiest...only to what?  Trying to be better than others is only harming yourself.  We need to tap in to our inner knowledge, it's there right under the surface.  Just quiet your mind and you'll hear it. You'll see that helping a stranger, is helping yourself. Finding forgiveness, means understanding and accepting yourself.  Listening without judgement or pretense allows you to love and accept all others.

We are meant to work together, as one, toward a brighter future and more peaceful existence.

This comes by living in the moment. Being fully present throughout the day. Being honest with yourself and those around you. Being kind. Recognizing that it is not your place to judge or condemn, but to try and understand and offer compassion. Taking the time to know yourself.  Learning your strengths and weaknesses and figuring out what you need to do to become the ideal version of you. Once you love and understand yourself, you will not take offense over others opinions of you.  You will realize their opinion is a reflection of something within them.

If we can all just get to that point where we love ourselves and realize that we are all on this journey together, where we treat each other well and help each other to grow and thrive, then we can all live in peace. We can all live and breathe each moment filled with love.

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