Tuesday, November 20, 2012

There Where My Longing Lies

There Where My Longing Lies

It was there in the moonlight, gazing at the starry sky that I first felt it. Time stood still and the light shining in the distant galaxies was calling me home – pulling me higher.  My body was anchored to the boulder atop the mountain on which I sat, but my soul was soaring.

(click the link above to finish on my main website misserinterese.com)

Yours truly,

Miss Erin

Monday, October 22, 2012


I am grateful today

I am grateful most days
But there are times you are
Reminded of how delicate
Life is
How short and fleeting
Life is
How lucky we are to breathe
Each day
How amazing it is to have
Second chances
How wonderful it is to have
People we love
And how truly connected
We all are

Sending all my love to a dear friend.

Yours truly,


Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Misplaced Tear

It slid over fiery cheeks
Rolled over freckles
And unkissed lips
Down her ivory neck
Over the landscape of
Breasts and belly button
Past thigh, knee and foot
Escaping back home
This tear was not hers
It was another woman's
But she stepped in the way
Wanting to help and change
Finally the tear had to leave her
It had stayed too long
It was time to return
To the woman that created it

Once Upon a Plane

Short story about my most memorable flight.

Click here: Once Upon a Place

Yours truly,

Erin Stafford

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Let Dark Light Retreat

Eyes closed, quiet and still.
Body lies, no movement or will.
Breathing in deeply, letting if flow
Exhaling slowly, letting it go
Feeling the movement of air in lung
Body and soul, becoming one
Repeat, repeat, let dark light retreat
Oh sweet, sweet, new light to greet



Monday, October 15, 2012

Full Length Blog

Hello all!

Please follow my new blog for longer posts.  My Erin Terese blog is my new baby, and I hope that you follow.  If you also blog on wordpress, you can follow as a blogger or can sign up for email notification of posts.

Thank you for reading!




Friday, October 12, 2012

All in due time

I am not meant to think about you any longer
You are not mine, and you do not want to be
Another woman caught your eye
Captivated you and has your heart in hers
And how wonderful for you, I suppose
My ego needs to let go
Needs to release idea I wasn’t enough
Deep down, I know I just wasn’t yours
You didn’t view me as anything more
Than someone to pass the time with
Until you met your match
I kept you warm, occupied and entertained
How lucky for you that you found her
And somewhere in my bitterness
I am happy for you, but my ego is loud
And likes to think negative things

Shut the f*ck up, ego! Be quiet.
Be still.
This was not your match.
This is what is best.
All in due time.
All in due time.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Grab the Reins

Grab the reins
Take the bull by the horn
Be the Master of your Destiny
Yes, things happen to you in life
But the thing is
Life is not about what happens to you
But about how you handle it
How you view it

No matter what your upbringing
No matter what your health
No matter your age, race or sex
No matter your education or wealth
You are the maker of your life
Choose to view it differently
See each obstacle as an opportunity
For growth
If you are unhappy or stagnant
Then change!  Seriously.
Change your mind
Change your thinking
Change your life

This is your life.
Write it, draw it, sing it as you see fit
Grab the reins
Take the bull by the horn
Lead your life with your thoughts
Thoughts become actions
And actions define you
Be your thoughts. Be you.
Be beautiful.

Yours truly,


Friday, October 5, 2012

Happy Friday

Happy Friday
Happy Day
Sun is out
Time to play
Moments crept
Minutes crawled
Hours swam
Thoughts sprawled
Time to exhale
Time to just be
Finally a moment
To feel fully free



Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Playing "what if"

As children we play house
As adults we play "what if"
We go on dates with someone
Knowing they are not a fit
We continue to see them
Knowing it will go nowhere
We use that relationship to
Gage how we feel about others
We go back to that person when
The date we went on didn't work out
We wonder... maybe? what if?
Never really trying
Always discounting them
Yet we go back and wonder "what if"
As if to feel better about keeping
A warm body around

Ah, the games we play...


Tuesday, October 2, 2012

She Thinks Too Much

She thinks too much.  Time and time again she has been told this.  Yet time and time again, she doesn’t care.  It is as much a part of her as an olive in her martini.  Without it there would be no point.  She would have it no other way.

To her, the sun shines brighter.  Some days it dances in her eyes.  Some days it seduces her, beckons her and slowly guides her out in to the world.  Other days, it is cruel to her, bearing down on her without apology or remorse.  But she would rather the seduction or the cruelty, than the abandonment when the sun finds shelter in the clouds and hides itself from her. 

True, she could have her martini dry or lemon flavored with a sugar rim - but to her there is no other way than with her trusty friend, the green olive.  A little bitter with a touch of saltiness and burst of flavor, it complements the clear and straightforward gulp that follows.

She thinks too much.


Oh there you are!
Waiting so quietly
Breath held
Hands clasped
Heart beating
In shadows and moonlight
Counting minutes
Smelling seconds
Tasting moments
Oh. There you are!
There you've been.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Are you openly affectionate?

I consider myself to be very affectionate, yet I still often hold back.


Click here to read more:  Are you openly affectionate?



Sunday, September 30, 2012

I Carry You With Me

I carry your heart in my heart
Your words linger in my soul
Our shared moments tucked
Away neatly in the folds of my
Very essence. Very being.
Knowing you
Feeling you
Loving you
Breathing you
Sharing time and tales with you
Has changed me
Inspired me
Made me grow
Helped me thrive
I carry you with me
Always and forever


Saturday, September 29, 2012

Friday, September 28, 2012

The Side You Show

Don't show me the side you want me to see. Don't play the version you think you should be. Just honor yourself and be who you are. Flawed and broken; my shining star.


Thursday, September 27, 2012


Lingering in the forefront of my mind
Tucked in the sleeve of my soul
Pulsing through my hot veins
In each heartbeat and foot step
Each deep breath and misstep
Every tear drop and lip curl
Hair twirl, side glance and smirk
Is a piece of you I carry with me
Forever present in all I do
I vow to keep and carry you

For all those in my life I've lost
You are with me. Always. Always.

Dreamlike State

In a dreamlike state, I wonder and wait
Stir in my mind, sit and debate
Lovely sounds and voices are near
Works spoken and fallen hang in my ear
Strongly present as if a true vision
Real or not is the hardest decision

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

This very...

I live and love fully today. I wish I could say I feel this alive and awake everyday; but that is not the case. Days like today are the majority though, which is more important. This very moment is perfect. A culmination of trials, tribulations and triumphs. How very beautiful a web of intricate circumstances. Colors, scents and memories of many sorts. Just beautiful. Lovely. Broken, mended and brand new pieces. A unique day. This very day...

Sunday, September 23, 2012

Following Your Dreams

It's not always the easiest thing
To listen to the voice in your head
The one that wants and wishes
Dreams big, thinks large and
Wants for things beyond now

It's so much easier to stay put
In your current shoes
Same car, same house, same job
Listen to your family and friends
That tell you change is hard
That its' scary and you might fail

To follow your dreams
Follow your inner light
Your strongest desire
Will yield such great joy
Even watching someone
Follow theirs, is thrilling.
Intoxicating, even

For you never really fail
If you give it your all
You may not succeed at
The goal you had in mind
But the Universe will gift you
Great happiness, serenity, joy
If you follow your dreams
Passionately, humbly and purely
Honestly, lovingly and steadily

Follow on, my friends. Follow on!

From Heartbreak to Gratitude

Click this link to read my story From Heartbreak to Gratitude.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Lessons in Friendship

Click this link to read my Lessons in Friendship.

Yours Truly,



And so begins another blogging adventure: follow erinterese as I forge on in my journey of self discovery.

Please join.


Sunday, September 16, 2012

Without Words

You can speak without words
Pure thoughts and intention
Sent like an arrow in the night
Soaring toward a destination
Hidden in the dark, present like a lion
Targeted impact achieved
Though never seen or confirmed
It is

In a River of...

Serendipity and mishap
Coexist in a river
Of truth and deceit
Kindness and cruelty
In all life's moments
Both beautiful and broken

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

We must always Remember

Today we remember the fallen
Those whose lives were taken
Whose lives were stolen
Whose lives were given
And those that barely survived

Eleven year ago today
The World Trade Center in NYC
Was attacked
Many innocent lives taken
Lives forever altered
And we watched revenge
Spread overseas
Taking yet more lives

We all witnessed the terror
The heartbreak
The triumph of the human spirit
The full range of human
Capability and fragility
In some way, it touched us all
This tragic event spoke to us
United us, and for this
We must always remember

Friday, September 7, 2012

Just Because

Just because you can, doesn't mean you should
Just because you should, doesn't mean you will

But the fact that you exist, does mean something
             *Do that something proud*

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

The Greatest Feat

Misplaced, Displaced, Unplaced
The heart, soul, body
Wants what is wants
Understanding, identifying
The source
Is but the greatest feat
The rest is cake

Some Days

Some days are better than others
Most days, I am at peace
My mind is clean and living in the present
Some days I look back, look forward
But I strive to just be
And breathe and exist fully in the moment

Sometimes in the quiet, the longing appears
Sometimes I can attach it to a person
Someone that is no longer in my life
Or present in my days
But sometimes I cannot assign it
Sometimes there is just longing

Perhaps for a life I want
Or a feeling I miss
Or someone I am fated to meet
Perhaps a prior existence
Or life in the cosmos

The day is good and fine
But the longing is present
And on days like that
I can firmly say
Some days are better than others

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

"One of those days"

I hate those mornings
When your alarm never goes off
The shower runs cold
And your car is on empty
It's as if the universe is playing a trick
A nasty April fools joke
On you and you alone
Testing your patience
Ok, I can do this
Just shake it off
Let it slide
This can all be fixed
I am still breathing after all
Counting my breaths
Precision in my steps
I move forward
And I remedy the situation
Invigorated by my cold shower
I enjoy the morning sky while pumping gas
I apologize for being late
And move forward, positive attitude intact
Never letting the rough start ruin my day

In the Eye of the Beholder

Not only is beauty in the eye of the beholder, so is every facet of life.  What one sees as weakness, may also be seen as strength.  Where one sees a flaw, another sees beauty. Where one sees a fork in the road, another sees a new path.  Life is how you see it.  Open your heart and your mind and your eyes may see the world anew.

You are

Hot on my skin
You are

Deep in my heart
You are

Part of my soul
You are

Here from the start
You are

We are all one

People are all united. We are all one.

The more we divide ourselves and judge our neighbors, the more we hurt ourselves. The urge to win and be the best is a survivalist mentality. We live in a time where there is enough technology, communication and resources to feed, clothe and shelter every human being - though many go without.  We allow our fellow brothers and sisters to live impoverished because we fail to recognize that we are one. Our inability to recognize this fact and to act upon it when we do, proves we are in our infancy.

The reason life is so complicated is because we allow it to be that way. We ignore our innermost knowledge and embrace the ignorance around us.  We strive to be the best, smartest, fastest, wealthiest...only to what?  Trying to be better than others is only harming yourself.  We need to tap in to our inner knowledge, it's there right under the surface.  Just quiet your mind and you'll hear it. You'll see that helping a stranger, is helping yourself. Finding forgiveness, means understanding and accepting yourself.  Listening without judgement or pretense allows you to love and accept all others.

We are meant to work together, as one, toward a brighter future and more peaceful existence.

This comes by living in the moment. Being fully present throughout the day. Being honest with yourself and those around you. Being kind. Recognizing that it is not your place to judge or condemn, but to try and understand and offer compassion. Taking the time to know yourself.  Learning your strengths and weaknesses and figuring out what you need to do to become the ideal version of you. Once you love and understand yourself, you will not take offense over others opinions of you.  You will realize their opinion is a reflection of something within them.

If we can all just get to that point where we love ourselves and realize that we are all on this journey together, where we treat each other well and help each other to grow and thrive, then we can all live in peace. We can all live and breathe each moment filled with love.

The exodus

Tears falling
Over hot cheeks like rain
Unable to restrain
The exodus of pain

Once thought shameful
It’s now essential
Unbridled emotion
Allows for potential

Wrinkles of Wisdom

Wrinkles of Wisdom
Appear on the face
As if out of nowhere
Making their place

Such anger we have
When they appear
But really, I ask you
What is it you fear

Wrinkles are like
Rings on a tree
Proof of your growth
This we can see

It should be an honor
To wear such a line
Showing the world
It’s not yet your time

You are still needed
Down here on Earth
To complete your journey
Which started at birth

Rather than hide them
And shrink them away
Wear them with pride
A beautiful display

My disclaimer to men

I do not care about the size of your wallet
I care about the size of your heart
I do not care about the strength of your bicep
I care about the strength of your character
I do not care about the view from your penthouse
I care about how you view the world

Fated were the breaths

Fated were the breaths
Purposeful the steps
Heading on a highway
Destination stars
Whispers of the fallen
Illuminate the dark
What was once an instinct
Now the faintest spark
Growing in its strength
Intuition flames the fire
Voices in the cosmos
Lifting spirits higher